Ultramite Story Part 1

The following is a mostly-complete version of the story,

but could change in the future.

The first Ultramite 3.0 prototype booted up.

Model: Ultramite 3.0
ID: Blue8

The screen on the robot’s head turned on a bright blue, then a face appeared. In a robotic-sounding voice, it started initialising services.

STARTING Ultramite.movement() ... SUCCESS
STARTING Ultramite.display() ... SUCCESS
STARTING Ultramite.vision() ... SUCCESS
STARTING Ultramite.voice() ... SUCCESS

Its voice started to sound more natural, and it began moving around to test its systems. Once all boot checks completed, the memory of a previous Ultramite model got transferred to it, effectively giving it a new body. “Woah, this feels awesome, I got an upgrade!”. A researcher for Mite R&D walked into the room, happy that the first Ultramite 3.0 worked properly. “It seems you have booted up properly, now for the mission.”

“What mission? I wasn’t told about anything?”

“It was in that contract you signed to get an upgrade, didn’t you read it?”

“Well, if I signed it, then I guess I have to do it then.”

“We designed the 3.0 body to complete this, and you are using the only one we have.”

“Ok, but what is the mission?”

Another mite walked into the room. “You have to go through the wastelands and destroy the source of whatever virus is being sent around Mitopia, then return as soon as possible.”

“Sounds simple!”

The researcher who walked in then asked to speak to Ultramite. “Hey, take me along with you! I want to collect some data and have always wanted an adventure!”. Both the Ultramite and the first researcher agreed, on one condition. “You must do your best not to get hurt, but you can go.”

As the Ultramite walked out of Mitopia’s protective barrier, it noticed a bunch of destroyed and rusted shells that looked like very early robots, including one that looked like a cone with a plasma cannon on its side. They had received the coordinates of the location of the place they were looking for and began heading there. As they trekked the long [[ERROR: MEASUREMENT FORMAT UNSUPPORTED]] distance, a purple glow emitted from the ground around them. The researcher remarked that it reminded him of the pictures of the virus they had gathered, but didn’t think much of it as they were still [[ERROR: MEASUREMENT FORMAT UNSUPPORTED]] away from the target.

Suddenly, more of the same model as the plasma-cannon-wielding robot they spotted earlier began to rise from the ground, with targeting lasers aimed right at Ultramite’s head. Ultramite noticed it and the researcher were defenceless, as the plasma cannon Ultramite had in its 2.0 body wasn’t carried over. Ultramite told the researcher to get down and noticed a large piece of metal on the ground that was surprisingly strong for its weight. The scanners in Ultramite’s arm couldn’t tell what it was, and the researcher had no idea either. A loud beep emanated from all the robots, and with nothing else to use, tried to use the metal piece to deflect the plasma shots, and it surprisingly worked. The robots were downed and stopped glowing purple. They found a good-quality plasma cannon on one of the defunct robots and mounted it on Ultramite’s arm in case of any further attacks.

A few steps away from their target, Ultramite fell into a massive hole, which was dark, but had a faint purple glow like the robots did. Ultramite had noticed a being that looked like a Mite next to the source of the glow, a pulsating purple blob connected to a computer. The Mite looked almost corrupted by it, glowing slightly purple itself instead of the usual teal. Ultramite noticed that the computer was at the coordinates sent to them and knew that was their target. The Mite introduced itself as Etim and started to give a long pre-fight monologue. Ultramite was getting bored, and it wasn’t in its briefing to attack an enemy, so Ultramite destroyed the blob with a blast from the plasma cannon and a second destroyed the computer instantly. Etim, surprised that a protagonist would ignore its monologue, decided to run and hide, and Ultramite blasted through the ceiling and used the recoil from the cannon to blast itself out back to Mitopia.